Our Suppliers
Local Artisans
In the crafting of our products, we favour organic and eco-responsible raw materials that are carefully selected.

La Villa vinaigres & jardins can count on a network of local partners: artisans who share our values in terms of quality, authenticity and respect for nature.
Cassis Monna & Filles
Always with a project in mind, Anne and Catherine Monna brought exceptional dynamism to the business that was founded by their father Bernard, a pioneer in cultivating blackcurrants in the province of Québec.
Our paths initially crossed in 2009. Having witnessed the birth of our project of crafting vinegars, they eventually expressed their desire to carry a blackcurrant vinegar elaborated with their own fruits. And thus was born Perséides, a blackcurrant vinegar mostly sold in their on-premise store located in Saint-Pierre-de-l’Île-d’Orléans.
Les Délices du Domaine
We could not imagine making Québécois vinegar without creating one with a maple base, especially since we are located in the heart of a region that is renowned for its maple syrup production. So it is from certified organic maple syrup that we craft Les Voiles (maple balsamic vinegar aged in bourbon casks) as well as Rasemotte (maple vinegar with carrot, ginger and turmeric).
Josée Lavoie and Jérôme Gagnon operate a family-owned farm, which is located only a few kilometres from us and was established four generations ago.
Rucher des Basses Terres
We heard of Yvan L’Homme from Rucher des Basses Terres from a few chefs in the Québec City area as we were looking to source the best honeys we could find.
The fall-harvest honey used in the production of Courtepointe comes from an apiary located on the gently sloping hills of Bellechasse.
Gilles Bonneau, Martine Côté and their children are as united in their fine and flavourful honey production as in the family. Their apiaries are located in the northwest of Lotbinière county.
From them, we select honey varieties with distinct fruity flavours, usually harvested in summer after cherry trees, raspberry shrubs and more have blossomed. The one from Sainte-Croix’s apiary, with its fig and dried fruit notes, inspired a cuvée of balsamic vinegar made of honey and small northern fruits called Les Pléiades.
Miel Gardner
Julie Croteau and Alexandre Gardner settled in Saint-Norbert-d’Arthabaska, where the hills of the lower Appalachian Mountains meet the plain along the Saint Lawrence River, to create in 2007 their beekeeping enterprise, Miel Gardner.
We just love their delicious honey from buckwheat flowers, that is distinctive and rich in flavours of molasses, malt and spice with floral overtone. This honey gives the Nocturne vinegar its unique, complex and bold character.
Au tracteur rouge, jardins et vergers
In Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse, on an exceptional site along the southern bank of the Saint-Lawrence river where the temperature-moderating effect of the large body of water allows to grow tomatoes on the vine until early November, Michel Clair had the idea of implanting a small fruit tree orchard in the form of a beautiful, edible landscape.
There we first harvested plums in September 2021, and we are quite excited to go back ever since.
Ferme Louis-David Marcoux
Market gardener Louis-David practices chemical-free cultivation and raises free-run laying hens. He is our nearest neighbour and his land provides us with chokecherries as well as highbush cranberries to complete our harvest. We also source some of his flavourful carrots for our Rasemotte vinegar when our own harvest is insufficient.